Fully Equipped Café with Low Lease
Tacoma, WA
Fully equipped café with Type 1 hood and walk-in refrigeration. Elegant fixtures and décor. Great value as this buildout can do it all, from a fancy bistro to a...
Best pizza place not frenchchise
DuPont, WA
This is stone oven pizza.freezer,waking cooler, two dough machines,pizza press machine, two automatic fryers,everything is in good condition. Total area 1933...
Iconic Downtown Asian Dining Establishment
Pierce County, WA
Here is your opportunity to own an iconic Asian dining establishment located in a...
Well Known Pierce County Pub and Grill
Pierce County, WA
Founded in the 1970s, this beloved Tacoma pub and grill is located in a sought-after...
Turnkey Bubble Tea in Puyallup
Puyallup, WA
Your opportunity awaits! This turn key bubble tea store is your chance to make it big!...
Established Cafe in Sumner
Sumner, WA
Looking for a cafe that you can just easily operate and located in a busy traffic area? ...
Highly Rated South Sound Restaurant
Pierce County, WA
Situated in the heart of a desirable south sound retail corridor, this restaurant and...
Standalone Tacoma Neighborhood Bar w/ Real Estate!
Tacoma, WA
Here is your rare opportunity to own a well performing bar and grill and the real estate...
Historic Tacoma Bar and Kitchen Business
Tacoma, WA
Here is your chance to own a very well-equipped turn-key bar and restaurant in a booming...
Teriyaki Madness
Available Nationwide
Our food is addictive and our concept is fresh!
Tacoma Bar and Restaurant with huge potential!
Tacoma, WA
Here is your opportunity to own a beautifully equipped bar and restaurant in a key...
Classic Diner & Lounge in High Foot Traffic Location, Pierce County
Pierce County, WA
Here is your opportunity to own a classic neighborhood diner and lounge with more than 5...
Well Established Pierce County European Restaurant
Pierce County, WA
This tremendously well-located food service operation asserts its $800K+ in annual sales...
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