Tacoma Mall, Bubble Tea - Glow Tea for Sale
Overview: An exceptional opportunity to acquire a well-established and thriving business strategically located in the heart of Tacoma Mall, one of the...
Building with Full Service Resturant and Assets 2620 Proctor Ave.
Great for owner-operator. The building size is 2,844 sq. ft. lot size is 4,620 sq. ft. alley access with parking for four. Located in the premier...
Fully Equipped Café with Low Lease
Tacoma, WA
Fully equipped café with Type 1 hood and walk-in refrigeration. Elegant fixtures and décor. Great value as this buildout can do it all, from a fancy bistro to a...
Coffee Lite Café Corner of 2 Busy Streets
Tacoma, WA
Established coffee shop lite café on the corner of two busy streets. A solid customer base is already built up for you, the new owner. This café is high-end in...
Restaurant Franchise or Not
Pierce County, WA
Well-known big-name food franchise restaurant. Over $800,000 in annual sales with an...
Iconic Downtown Asian Dining Establishment
Pierce County, WA
Here is your opportunity to own an iconic Asian dining establishment located in a...
Established profitable bubble tea in Puyallup
Puyallup, WA
Great investment opportunity on highly profitable established bubble tea business...
Highly Rated South Sound Restaurant
Pierce County, WA
Situated in the heart of a desirable south sound retail corridor, this restaurant and...
Tacoma Bar and Restaurant with huge potential!
Tacoma, WA
Here is your opportunity to own a beautifully equipped bar and restaurant in a key...
H&H Bagels
Available Nationwide
New York City's most iconic bagel since 1972, now expanding nationwide. Major...
Well Established Pierce County European Restaurant
Pierce County, WA
This tremendously well-located food service operation asserts its $800K+ in annual sales...
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