Turnkey Dry Cleaner business in Bothell
Bothell, WA
Take over a well-established, thriving dry cleaning business with over 25 years of success. Located near Bothell's bustling Thrasher’s Corner shopping center,...
Family run 35+ years, Owner Retiring
Seattle, WA
Thousand new homes around the area. Bright future for a growing business. Modernized and well-established dry cleaning and laundry shop. 2800sq ft of space. ...
Dry cleaners
King County, WA
Please text to agent David Min. Monthly sale $17,000-19,000 Unit size 1380sf Rent...
Well-established dry cleaners with Hydro-Carbon systems
Snohomish County, WA
Stable and High-volume Dry Cleaners with Non-polluting HC system serving the clients...
Well-established TWO dry cleaners
Thurston County, WA
Discover the perfect spots for your dry cleaning business! The owners' two stores are...
Dry cleaner in very good location
King County, WA
Asking Price $350,000 Monthly sale $37,000 Rent $5,200 Please text to the LA David Min...
Thriving Profitable Dry Cleaner: Consistent Growth Yearly
Snohomish County, WA
Established for over two decades in a prime location, this business boasts a loyal and...
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