Bar for Sale
Madison, WI
Take advantage of this incredible Bar for Sale, a perfect opportunity for an owner-operator to acquire a well-established business in a thriving area. Priced at...
HSC-Historic Tavern/Event Venue - Dane County, WI
Dane County, WI
Well established and profitable tavern/restaurant with an adjacent event venue. Located in South central Wisconsin, this popular tavern stays busy year round on...
Danny's PUB - Large Campus Restaurant/Bar for Sale
Madison, WI
Turn key and in great condition. Sale includes dba, FF&E, and long term lease with...
Established, Top-shelf Pizza Restaurant
Dane County, WI
This listing is for a profitable and well-established pizza restaurant located in the...
Iconic Bar Restaurant with Passive Ownership
Madison, WI
The company has multiple revenue streams from food and beverage, gaming, and events. It...
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