Alex Medhurst
Director, Medhursts
Chichester, PO19 3BJ
Alex is the director of Medhurst and is a qualified as a Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.
Phone +44 1243 789894
Alex is the director of Medhurst and is a qualified as a Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.
Property Types
Industrial, Land, Office, Retail, Flex
Surrey, Sussex East, South Coast, Gatwick, Brighton
Alex qualified as a Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors in 1992 during 3 years with Cattaneo Commercial in Kingston-upon-Thames. He then moved closer to home when he was recruited by Vail Williams in 1994.
Working in Southampton he spent 11 years with Vail Williams specialising in business space in south Hampshire, Sussex and Dorset. This included a year long sabbatical to compete in Chay Blyth’s 2004-2005 Global Challenge round the world yacht race with the crew of yacht Sony Vaio.
He left Vail Williams as a Partner in 2006 when he was recruited by Dean & Dyball Developments to act as a Development Director where he was responsible for a range of new development projects, operational property, site appraisals and acquisitions. This covered a wide area from Exeter to Kent and Wales to Hertfordshire.
Following Dean & Dyball’s acquisition by Balfour Beatty plc, Alex joined Henry Adams in his home town of Chichester to set up a new commercial agency practice in 2008. Alex has lived in Chichester for more than 45 years and his local knowledge and contacts proved invaluable in establishing a substantial business portfolio.
In 2011 Alex took all of this experience to establish his own practice based in Northgate, Chichester from where he takes a keen interest in the city. For 5 years he was a Director of the Chichester City Centre Partnership which manages the Business Improvement District.
Further afield Alex provides consultancy advice to Local Authorities through Adams Integra planning consultancy. This has included viability studies to support Community Infrastructure Levy strategies for the likes of Winchester City Council, Gosport BC, Canterbury CC, Thanet DC, South Gloucestershire DC, Torridge & North Devon Councils, East Hampshire District Council, East Harts, Canncok Chase and North Warwickshire Councils.
Also ‘Site Specific Financial Viability Assessments’ have been carried out for local authorities. These have included Croydon, Islington, Rushmoor, Shepway, Sevenoaks, Three Rivers, Watford, Waverley, Wycombe amongst others, as well as for private developers.