Chris Ognek
Broker, Q Real Estate
Fredericksburg, VA 22407
Phone (540) 322-1591
Call or email today for a free, no risk home sale or home purchase consultation. I’ll provide you with extremely valuable financial, planning, and risk information to use in your transaction regardless of whether you ask me to help you.<br><br>It's natural to feel stressed or worried when buying or selling a home - it’s the largest financial transaction you’ll make before retirement. The truth is, you should be concerned and cautious, there are a lot of risks… but also tremendous benefits.<br><br>That’s why its important to choose the most experienced and most recommended Realtor you can find - a true professional with proven ability to deliver the results you want and deserve.<br><br>Proven Results<br>Financial Benefits with highest sales prices for home sellers and best values for home buyers<br>Constant Communication<br>Creative Problem Solving<br>Expert Negotiating<br>Reduced Risk, Stress, and Expenses<br><br>For me, being an expert in real estate means being an expert problem solver. I successfully helped over 1,000 clients buy and sell homes with my expertise in marketing, negotiating, communicating, mortgages, taxes, contracts, risk management, and more. On each and every transaction, I work diligently to help solve problems and maximize the benefits of buying or selling a home. I communicate frequently to help keep your stress level low and your move smooth.<br><br>Who am I?<br><br>Before real estate, I was a Navy pilot flying jets off of aircraft carriers. My last jobs as a Naval Officer was working at US Central Command HQ in Tampa, Florida. Above the main entrance door there is a large sign that says very simply “Plan. Fight. Win.” I’ve adapted that mantra to business - and life - by saying “Plan. Work. Win.” In a nutshell, this is what I do for clients every day. I help them win, and in order to win, we need to plan. I will design and execute a plan and strategy for helping you reach your home sale or purchase goals while saving you time, hassle, and money. Details matter. Planning and working with an expert and professional who knows the “right” answers is the formula for success.<br><br>You Don’t Know What You Don’t know<br><br>I hire the best doctors, tax preparers, financial planners, and lawyers I can find because I understand and appreciate the results professionals can deliver. I’m not an expert in those fields so when I need those services, I want the most experienced professional I can find with a track record of success. I don’t know what I don’t know which is why I trust those experts to help guide me through making the best decisions for my family and I.<br><br>The same is true for real estate. Its hard to find “the best” in any profession but I’ve tried to make it as easy as possible for folks to learn more about the level of service I provide by asking past clients to leave online reviews about their experiences with me. Nothing will convey the commitment, dedication, and seriousness I practice every day to deliver results for my clients better than their own words so please be sure to read some of those reviews.<br><br>Call or email today for a free, no risk home sale or home purchase consultation.<br>Chris Ognek, Broker/Owner, Q Real Estate<br>Cell: 540.834.7343<br>C.Ognek@QRealEstateSolutions.com