Costas Hrousis

Costas Hrousis

Co-Founder | Principal, Veraxia Commercial Real Estate Solutions

Bethlehem, PA 18018

Phone (610) 997-0100 x101

Experienced CRE Advisor, specializing in retail sales, leasing and land development
Investment Sales Broker, Tenant Rep
Property Types
Industrial, Land, Office, Retail, Multi-Family
Costantinos! "Costas"! Hrousis! is! a! co"founder! of! Veraxia! Commercial! Real! Estate! Solutions! and! serves! as! a! Principal,! specializing! in! the! sale! and! leasing! of! retail,! land! and! office! properties! in! the! Lehigh!Valley! region!of!Pennsylvania.! !With! 19!years!of!commercial!and!industrial!real!estate!experience!in! both!Pennsylvania!and!New! Jersey,!Hrousis!has!secured!over! 60! sale! and/or! lease! transactions! with! a! career! transaction! volume!in!excess!of!$250!million.!! ! Prior! to! founding! Veraxia! Commercial! Real! Estate! Solutions,! Hrousis! served! as! a! Senior! Advisor! for! a! Sperry! Van! Ness,! a! national! commercial! real! estate! brokerage! firm.! ! During! his! tenure!with!Sperry!Van!Ness,!he! ranked!15th !out!of!over!900! advisors!nationally!and!was!awarded!the!prestigious!Partner’s! Circle! award! in! 2007;!was! awarded! the! Achiever’s! Award! in! 2008;! and! was! ranked! 84th ! nationally! in! 2009.! Hrousis! also! served!on!the!company’s!initial!Board!of!Advisors,!having!been! selected!for!achieving!success!and!consistently!demonstrating! his! ability! to! deploy! creativity! and! innovation! in! growing! his! business.! ! Prior!to!joining!Sperry!Van!Ness,!Hrousis!served!in!a!corporate! real! estate! capacity! as! the!director!of! real! estate! for!Perkins! Restaurant!&!Bakeries.!His! territory! included!a!portion!of! the! eastern!United!States!where!he!oversaw!development!of!new! stores!for!corporate!locations!and!franchisees.!!Hrousis!started! his! real! estate! career! with! a! diversified! Lehigh! Valley"based! commercial!real!estate!firm,!where!he!managed!over!300,000! square! feet! of! office! space! and! assisted! in! several! notable! retail!development!projects.! ! Career! highlights! include:! the! development! and! sale! of! the! 45,000!SF!Fireman’s!Fund!building! in!Bethlehem,!PA;! the!site! selection/transaction!management! for! the! relocation! of! Fast! Net’s! corporate! headquarters;! the! redevelopment! of! the! Durkee!spice!plant!in!Bethlehem,!PA;!and!the!sale!of!500!acres! to! St.! Luke’s! Hospital! &! Health! Network! for! its! St.! Luke’s! Riverside!campus.!!!! ! As! an! active! member! of! the! commercial! real! estate! community,! Hrousis’! professional! memberships! include:! International! Council! of! Shopping! Centers;! Certified! Commercial! Investment! Member! Institute;! National! Association!of!Realtors;!Pennsylvania!Association!of!Realtors;! and! the! American! Hellenic! Educational! Progressive! Association.!Additionally,!Hrousis!earned!a!Bachelor!of!Science! in! Business! Administration! from! Moravian! College! in! Bethlehem,!PA.!
Moravian College - B.S. Business Administration
  • CCIM - Certified Commercial Investment Member
  • NAR - National Association of Realtors
  • International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC)