David Singh

David Singh

Owner, Pruthi Properties

Phoenix, AZ 85014

Phone (602) 380-8080

Professor Emeritus and Owner
Investment Sales Broker
Property Types
Office, Retail, Health Care
Los Angeles, Phoenix
English, Spanish, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu
I have done many rewarding things in my life. Being an economics professor for over 37 years was chief among them. Being a father, grandfather, and husband are an ongoing source of deep fulfillment. As you get to know me, you will find that owning properties is in my blood. I am the youngest of 6 siblings. My father worked all his life for Delhi Administration in a property registration office in New Delhi, India. As a very young child, I remember my father’s daily recap of all the properties people were buying, and how property values were escalating. I loved listening to his stories and decided I was going to have my own properties one day. But, for me, it is more than just owning properties. There is a philosophy and drive behind what I do that I want to share with you. This country, my country since the age of 16, has afforded me the opportunity to make my dreams come true. I have done so much better than I ever dreamt possible when I was a child in India. My philosophy in life is to be fair and honest in all my dealings with others, which means I strive not to take advantage of anyone. The only deals I like are the ones that make everyone involved better off. I take a great deal of pride in the fact that my tenants tell me I am the best landlord they’ve ever had. Please feel free to speak to any of my tenants at any of my properties! I’d like to share a little of my thinking about why this is so. In addition to being honest and fair with people, I strive to understand and accommodate my tenants’ unique situations. This starts when I am considering whether to buy a property. I select my properties with the tenant in mind. I have great pride of ownership, and I own many beautiful properties. I never buy anything that I myself wouldn’t have my own business in. I want to feel proud when I show you a prospective space for your business, and I want you to feel proud being there, knowing your clients and customers will appreciate coming to your place of business. Beyond that, I am very supportive of tenants when they want to make improvements. The improvements you make also improve the environment for the other tenants and for everyone who comes to do business. Before you rent from me or anyone else, please give careful and hard thought to the location and make sure you have a business plan that will work for you. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates 50% of new businesses will survive 5 years or less, and one third will survive 10 years or more. But in the cases of those that fail, the entrepreneur loses most, if not all, of their savings and a lot of their time, as well as a hefty emotional cost in addition. That is why it is so important to lay solid and practical groundwork and to look candidly at the pluses and minuses of what you plan to do before you commit to it. However, if you don’t take a chance, you won’t know the rewards of success. If you are starting a new business, try to invest only what you can afford to lose, and plan to work many more than 40 hours a week. My experienced staff and I look forward to working with you in fulfilling your needs. Please feel free to contact us at any time.
B.S. Benedict College, Columbia, SC M.S. Duke University, Durham, NC M.A. University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC Ph.D. University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC