Donald Newell
Real Estate Professional, Century 21 Lakeside Realty
Columbiana, OH 44408
Phone (330) 984-6558
Property Types
Retail, Multi-Family
Cleveland, Youngstown/Warren/Boardman
We specialize in selling homes for up to 18% more than traditional agents and their traditional methods. We also pride ourselves on a home buying strategy that saves our clients up to thousands of dollars in repairs and expenses. <br>You ask how we do this fast and for the most amount of money? We do this through attention to details and features other agents overlook, and with specialized marketing programs others do not provide. You can get my team of highly trained professionals for the price of one agent. Our team approach to the real estate process is the most efficient and productive because I have systemized each aspect of my business. I have written out each and every detail of the real estate process and developed a position to help me accomplish the best results. With this new innovative system, one of my agents can be designing ads for our listings, another putting flyers in the home, while another follows up with showings and someone else shows the property to a prospective client. This leaves me available to work on the high priority activities like developing new ideas to market my listings and figuring out how to get more showings. Our innovative and aggressive approach to the real estate process can sell your home faster and for top dollar! I am so confident in the ability of my system and my team that I guarantee you will be 100% satisfied or you can cancel your listing or buyers agreement at any time. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you.