Drew Kaufmann

Drew Kaufmann

Associate, Retail Specialists, LLC

Birmingham, AL 35205

Phone (205) 914-6605

As Retail Development Coordinator, Drew focuses on retail recruitment.
Property Types
Atlanta, Greensboro/Winston-Salem, Birmingham
His primary role is to leverage industry relationships with the brokerage and development community to assist retail expansion into Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina. Prior to joining the Retail Strategies team, Drew was a real estate manager for Books-A-Million, where he analyzed and developed strategies for real estate opportunities and prepared Site Submittal Packages to be presented to the Real Estate Committee. In this role, he leveraged his relationships with landlords and property owners and performed site visits to current assets and new real estate opportunities. Additionally, Drew has experience in property management; managing four commercial properties totaling over 5,000 square feet. Drew earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Alabama and is a member of the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC), the Alabama Coastal Foundation, and the Capstone Networking Initiative. Philanthropy is something Drew is passionate about and is a member of The Phoenix Club of Birmingham that supports the local Boys and Girls Club, and a member of The Red Elephant Club of Birmingham. A native of Birmingham, Drew enjoys grilling out and cooking, playing golf, and riding his mountain bike. Any chance he gets he can be found at the lake or the beach with family and friends.
University of Alabama
  • International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC)