Gregory Bayer

Gregory Bayer

Principal/Senior Vice President, Mid-America Real Estate Corp.

Chicago, IL 60611

Phone (630) 954-7300

Gregory is a Principal/Senior Vice President at Mid-America in Chicago.
Investment Sales Broker
Property Types
Hospitality, Industrial, Office, Retail, Multi-Family
Greg Bayer is a retail real estate consultant, specializing in multi-dimensional transactions in the urban and near-suburban markets of Chicago on behalf of Landlords and Tenants alike. Managing a project from inception to opening, Mr. Bayer’s analytical approach draws from his experience with retailers, developers, government officials, and government permitting and zoning boards to name a few. Utilizing unique national retailer relationships, Mr. Bayer has been intimately involved with the Urban Team at Mid-America Real Estate in the management of leasing transactions since 2004 on behalf of developer and landlord clients. Whether single or multiple store transactions, Mr. Bayer has exclusively represented tenant’s interests in Chicago with multi-million-dollar values since 2004. Critical market analysis has preceded individualized corporate deal making processes in all transactions, providing historical insight to all of Mr. Bayer’s clients.