Jack Richlen
Seattle Commercial Real Estate LLC
Seattle, WA 98122
Phone (206) 625-6941 x2
Property Types
Industrial, Land, Office, Retail, Multi-Family
Seattle/Puget Sound
More than 50 years of sales development experience in commercial real estate. Experience includes: Property Management, Leasing, Sales, Raising Equity for Partnerships ($28,000,000 +), Site Acquisition, Approval, Development, Financing, and Partnership Management and Administration.
November 1997 to Present – Opened Commercial Brokerage Specialists, now Seattle Commercial Real Estate, LLC as the Designated Broker. Using the previous base of expertise operations were expended into Oregon and Idaho with a significant increase in volume. Developing/managing small investment projects. 2003 and 2004 annual growth has compounded at 80% +.
1986 to October 1997 – Roberts Jackson & Associates as Associate Broker. Refined negotiating skills and expanded leasing activities. Certified by the State of Washington to teach real estate classes. Formulated and obtained preliminary approval from the State of Washington for a 30 hour curriculum for Commercial Real Estate Leasing.
1983 to 1986 – West Coast Commercial Realty. Areas of knowledge acquired from previous experience were expanded to include office buildings, office leasing, marinas, and mobile home parks. Continued retail leasing with emphasis on investment property sales and partnership equity funding.
1973 to 1983 – Real Estate Inc. of Washington. Property Management, Partnership Administration, Site Acquisition, Construction and Financing. Emphasis on retail from Regional Shopping Centers to strip mall projects.
1971 to 1973 – Wholly-owned commercial real estate brokerage firm. Emphasis on leasing multiple outlets for chains, and investment real estate.
1965 to 1973 – Worked for shopping center developer, property management, commercial bank, acreage (land) sales, active military service and retail clothing sales.
B.A. in Economics, University of Washington – 1965, Minor in Business (Real Estate and Insurance), Licensed Real Estate Broker – State of Washington.
Licensed as Agent in California.