Jennifer Walker
REALTOR®/Team Leader, Corcoran McEnearney
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone (703) 286-1206
It's not enough to say that Jennifer Walker is the Realtor for Del Ray. Simply put, Jen is Del Ray. Jen personifies the character of the neighborhood in everything she does. She works here, she lives here and on a daily basis, she gives back to this thriving community in northern Virginia.
Jen first moved to Northern Virginia almost 25 years ago and since 1999 she has lived and worked as a Realtor in the Del Ray neighborhood of Alexandria, VA. Simply put, she can't imagine being any place else. Jen has fond memories of growing up in Georgia in a community where people knew each others names; a place where she knew the shop owners and they knew her; a place where people greeted each other on the street and paused to really hear how their neighbor was doing.
The eclectic, diverse neighborhood of Del Ray is like a small town of its' own bordered by the DC metropolis. Achieving success and living in such a small, closely-knit community speaks volumes to Jen's talents as a businesswoman. Many of her closest friends today were clients at least once in the past.
To Jennifer, real estate is not a sales business. It's about customer service. Whether she's working with a buyer or a seller, she keeps her sights on finding the right fit for the client. Throughout the process, she keeps in mind what it was like to buy her first home.
Jen gently and confidently walks people through the process. She focuses on finding the right fit for each client and playing an advisor role. Behind her love for community and dedication to customer service is her work ethic. As one colleague and neighbor says "when you think of trusting someone to help you find your home, that can be pretty overwhelming. Jen [elicits] trust and confidence, and her ethics are needed in such a strong people-oriented business."
Jen's choice to work with McEnearney Associates also reflects her value for local businesses. "I believe in small independent companies. I knew if I ever went to a bigger company, it would be McEnearney - or nothing. It's a company that was started in Alexandria with a focus on local communities," says Walker.