Kevin Channell
Agent, Bassette Real Estate Group
Hartland, VT 05048
He has been running commercial farms in the Upper Valley for 20 years, growing produce, raising livestock, and marketing to wholesaler.
Phone (802) 249-7384
He has been running commercial farms in the Upper Valley for 20 years, growing produce, raising livestock, and marketing to wholesaler.
Kevin and his family have been in Central Vermont since 2005. They currently own and operate Vermont Alpine Farm in Reading, VT where they raise beef cattle and greenhouse crops. He has been actively operating commercial farming enterprises-growing produce, raising livestock, and direct marketing to retail and wholesale accounts in the Upper Valley for the past two decades. Kevin’s MBA graduate studies in farm business management and economics round out his experience and keep him grounded as he serves your needs in the real estate market.
his network within the farm and forest community keeps him poised to serve you well
good resource
experience working as a farm business planner
Kevin is committed to making a positive impact on the future of your farm, your small business, and your family. Give him a call today at 802-249-7384 or email him at kevin@johnbassette.com.