Mac Thelen

Mac Thelen

Business Broker, President, Owner, Opportunities in Business

Minneapolis, MN 55413

Phone (612) 331-8392

In addition to his role of President of OIB, Mac Thelen also sits on a handful of company boards of directors in advisory roles.
Property Types
Retail, Flex, Multi-Family
Minneapolis/St Paul
Mac Thelen draws on over 35 years of business ownership and brokerage experience to provide direction and advice on how to organize and run a business for maximum return. In addition to his role of President of OIB, Mac Thelen also sits on a handful of company boards of directors in advisory roles. This assists in keeping him abreast of current market trends in banking, technology, manufacturing, and distribution. Mac is a resource that you will find creates enormous value to you and your company as he guides you through the very exciting, rewarding, and challenging process of buying or selling a company.