Mario Avalos
Realtor, K & A Realty
Miami, FL 33186
Phone (305) 305-1535
English, Spanish, Portuguese
Mario Avalos is ranked top 1% real estate agent in Miami-Dade by Miami Association of Realtors, Top Agents Ranked, Upnest and Homelight. 80+ seller and buyer transactions closed annually. 4.9 Google reviews for excellent client service. Manage 65+ rental properties for their client-landlords.
Prior to real estate, Mario was a Business Analyst for Johnson & Johnson. Mario is a proud Florida International University B.A. graduate with concentration in Finance. He is married and has 3 beautiful boys. He is a Red Hot Chili Peppers fanatic. Mario loves mountain biking and camping. Nothing beats driving an Air-Cooled Porsche. And lately, he has been growing enthusiasm for watches.