Mary Bonome

Mary Bonome

Broker, Compass

Chicago, IL 60614

Phone (312) 337-1001

Property Types
Prior to joining Matanky Realty Group, Bonome spent 35 years working for the City of Chicago. She worked in a variety of departments including Housing & Economic Development, Community Development and Planning and Development. Bonome’s extensive tenure provided her team with the opportunity to work on and spearhead many notable projects, including: Negotiating a land sale agreement for a retail center at the Southwest corner of Madison and Western Avenues. Anchored by Pete’s Fresh Market, this center replaces a blighted and underutilized site while closing a former food desert. Negotiating $75M in TIF assistance for the $900M Rush University Medical Center emergency room renovation. This project retained 8,000 jobs and is planned to create an additional 1,200 jobs over the next decade. Relocating Testa Produce from South Water Market to the Stockyards Industrial Area and providing a Land Write Down along with tax incentives. Bonome is passionate about strengthening underserved communities, having previously done so through economic development, and now, in more hands-on approach through retail leasing. Bonome received her Bachelor of Science from Southern Illinois University and completed coursework for her Master of Science at Northeastern Illinois University. She is a licensed Illinois real estate broker.