Nancy Lane
Managing Broker, Lane-Harkins Commercial Real Estate
Flowood, MS 39232
Specializing in Leasing, Management & Sales of Commercial Properties
Phone (601) 932-4663 x102
Mobile (601) 955-7590
Specializing in Leasing, Management & Sales of Commercial Properties
Investment Sales Broker, Tenant Rep
Property Types
Industrial, Land, Office, Retail, Flex, Specialty
Nancy Lane has owned her Commercial Real Estate business since 2003. Before its formation, she spent 18 years in the field with another corporation. As a result of her experience, she has worked on almost every level of the industry with both local and national interests.
“The best part of this job is the people,” Nancy says of her work. “That may sound basic, but it’s the truth. I’ve been honored to have worked with and met so many wonderful people during my career.” As but one example, when negotiating a deal to bring the first Wal-Mart to Jackson, Nancy was invited by former Jitney Jungle scion and Mississippi business legend Henry Holman to have lunch with Sam Walton himself.
About her company’s transition to Lane-Harkins, Nancy says the benefits have been many.
“Certainly, our clients now have wider exposure,” she notes. “Josh Harkins has brought a huge amount of new contacts to our business and it has been very beneficial. I had known Josh for years, had many meetings with him before our merger, and found there was a comfort level there wherein we knew combining forces would be both beneficial for us and for our clients. We never had a second thought.”
As one of the few women executives in her field, Nancy says she has found no real disadvantage to that fact. “I have four brothers!” she laughs. “I’ve not run into any negative issues or situation remotely derogatory.”
With an impressive and voluminous list of accolades, awards, and leadership roles to her credit, Nancy is one of the most experienced professionals in her field in Mississippi as well as nationally. This gives her an incalculable advantage when assisting her clients. A tireless worker, Nancy has been recognized, time and time again, for her abilities.
But is it all work and no play? “Not at all,” Nancy laughs when asked about interests outside of the office. “I love deep sea fishing,” she says, “and have done it for years. I paint, I run, and race occasionally still with one full and four half marathons under my belt. I spend a lot of time with my family, which includes five granddaughters. I keep busy even when I am not working!” she chuckles.