Phil Ryan
Affiliate Broker, Parks Real Estate, Village Commercial
Nashville, TN 37212
Phone (615) 830-1220
Property Types
Office, Retail, Specialty, Multi-Family
Phil has worked with Nashville’s development and housing agency, MDHA, for more than two decades including twelve years as executive director. At MDHA, he worked in both downtown Nashville redevelopment and smaller scale neighborhood commercial and residential redevelopment.
A fifth generation Nashvillian, Phil holds a master’s degree in Urban & Regional Planning from the University of Tennessee and a bachelor’s degree in political science and city planning from Middle Tennessee State University.
He is active in the Downtown Rotary Club, on the Dismas House Advisory Committee, a board member of the Hillsboro-West End Neighbors, a Vice President of the Madison-Rivergate Chamber of Commerce, a member of the Greater Nashville Urban Land Institute and Greenways for Nashville and supporter of Conexion Americas.