Shannon Mar
Realtor, Realty Concepts, Ltd.
Fresno, CA 93720
Specializing in commercial and investment properties in Fresno/Clovis CA.
Phone (559) 999-6165
Specializing in commercial and investment properties in Fresno/Clovis CA.
Investment Sales Broker, Landlord Rep (Office), Tenant Rep
Property Types
Industrial, Land, Office, Retail, Multi-Family
San Joaquin Memorial graduate, Class of 1983, Valedictorian
BS, Biochemistry, UC Davis, 1988
Held many positions in Research and Development in many household name companies and research institutions, including:
Chevron Chemical Company, Hilltop Mall, Richmond CA, 1988-1990
Gilead Sciences, Foster City CA, 1990
Affymax Research Institute/Affymetrix, Palo Alto CA, 1991-1992
First or sole author of the following articles published worldwide (EU, Asia, and the United States):
"The Adaptogens Part 1: Can they really help your running?" Running Research News, 11(5), 1-5, June-July 1995.
"Can Adaptogens Help Athletes Reduce Their Risk of Infections and Overtraining?" Running Research News, 11(9), 1-7, November 1995.
"Introduction to Adaptogens: Parts 1, 2, 3."Smart Drug News, 5(6-8), 1997.
"Introduction to Eleutherococcus: Parts 1, 2." Smart Drug News, 5(10-11), 1997.
Adaptogens: Bridging the Gap Between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Pharmacology, Part 1. Int J Oriental Med 23(1): 1-18, March 1996.
"Adaptogens: Secret of Russian Success?", Inside Tennis, December 1996.
Winner, JA Farina Memorial Scholarship, CA Association of Realtors, June 2004.