Tony Prsa
Vice President, RE Management & Development, Harvard Developments Inc
Regina, SK S4P 4B3
Phone (306) 777-0600
Mobile (780) 413-7059
Property Types
Tony obtained his Engineering Technology Diploma (Construction & Civil Engineering) in 1984 at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT - Edmonton), graduating with Honours. After obtaining required field experience, he was recognized by the Saskatchewan chapter of S.A.S.T.T. in 1991 as an Applied Science Technologist (A.Sc.T.). Following this designation, Tony has gone on to obtain certifications in real estate through BOMI International for his R.P.A. designation (Real Property Administrator), his C.P.M. designation (Certified Property Manager) through the Real Estate Institute of Canada (R.E.I.C.) and is currently working on completing his CCIM designation through the CCIM Institute. Tony is currently a member of the Alberta chapter of ASET (Alberta Society of Engineering Technologists) and holds a CET designation.
Prior to joining the Harvard team in 1990, Tony spent all of his time in the construction management and development field. His portfolio of completed projects is in excess of $100M of office and retail properties, predominantly in Saskatchewan.
Prior to being appointed to the position of Vice President Operations & Saskatchewan Regional Manager in October of 2000, Tony managed a commercial office portfolio in excess of 1M sq.ft. for various local and national clients and has held general management positions with Koyl Commercial Real Estate, Brookfield Properties and tgs Properties.
Today, as Vice President of Alberta, Tony provides oversight to our Alberta commercial portfolio in excess of 4.6M sq.ft. and is the registered Broker for all of Harvard's business in this jurisdiction.
Currently, Tony's primary responsibility is to oversee the management and leasing activities of our Alberta portfolio and provides property management and operational expertise to our development projects. With over 28 years of real estate and 5 years of construction management experience, Tony's focus is to create value and maximize asset returns for our clients through our management platform, including maintaining strong business relationships in all of the Alberta communities we do business in.
Being extensively involved with various industry organizations, including holding a board appointment with Buildings Owners and Managers Association (BOMA, Edmonton Chapter) for the past 12 years and committee work with the United Way Capital Region, Tony continues to give back to the industry and the community that he has dedicated the past 33 years of his professional life.