Travis Neal
REALTOR, eXp Realty
Austin, TX 78759
Phone (210) 827-9580
Investment Sales Broker, Tenant Rep
Property Types
Industrial, Land, Office, Retail, Specialty, Multi-Family
Other Market Areas
Coming from a family in the oil and natural gas industry, Travis has traveled extensively throughout the United States. A graduate of Fredericksburg High School, Travis has always considered Fredericksburg home and has deep roots in the Hill Country which can be traced back over 8 generations. <br /><br />His love of cars prompted him to attend Wyoming Technical Institute in Laramie, Wyoming where he obtained his Associates Degree. Not only can Travis represent you in a real estate transaction, he can also diagnose problems with your car's engine while you're looking! He has always been an avid skier with a love of the mountains and outdoors. He spent a year in beautiful Colorado soaking in the cooler temperatures and breathtaking views. Family brought him back to Fredericksburg where he decided to pursue a career in Real Estate.