Win Myint

Win Myint

Real Estate Agent, Win Myint

Nanaimo, BC V9S 3Y3

Phone (250) 732-8388

Specializing on Vancouver Island BC Canda
Property Types
Hospitality, Industrial, Office, Retail, Multi-Family, Health Care
Win Myint brings a vast array of experience to 460 Realty, with strong knowledge of small business start-ups, commercial leases, national franchises, as well as a strong relationship with commercial bankers, mortgage brokers, lawyers and accountants. After obtaining his Bachelor degree, Win got his start working at a top financial company in Santa Monica, California. He found his true calling as an entrepreneur when he decided to open and operate a successful chain of franchise bakeries in 2002, and within two years grew from one to seven locations across the United States. In addition to his business pursuits, Win also has much personal experience buying, selling, and investing in residential and commercial real estate here on Vancouver Island. Along with his partner, Win purchased a motel, pub and restaurant off of Trans Canada Highway, south of Duncan in 2007. Over the following three years, he renovated the motel and brought two strong franchise brands to the property, including a Super 8 Motel and Smitty’s Family Restaurant. Win is knowledgeable in building successful businesses, and has created over 30 new jobs that employ mostly a full-time staff. Win’s strong business experience in real estate investments and dedicated work ethic provides buyers valuable insights into investing in residential and commercial real estate. He strives to make the process stress-free by helping buyers filter though the overwhelming data and focusing on pertinent information that has a direct impact on their investment. He will provide his buyers with the tools, information, and support to accomplish their serious financial goals. Currently, Win works as a team with his wife, Sandy Liu (Licensed Listing Agent) so that each “Exceptional Buyer receives Exceptional Services.”
  • CCIM - Certified Commercial Investment Member