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Century 21 Signature Real Estate - Urbandale, IA
2300-2380 128th St Suite 2300 Urbandale, IA 50323 (515) 224-4002
The JDR Group is a team of highly motivated real estate professionals with a slightly different way of looking at real estate. At the JDR Group we look at real estate a little differently than our competitors. When you entrust the sale of your real estate investment to us, you are not listing your home with an individual, but with our entire team of real estate professionals. We are excited to partner with you in the sale of your home. Our team is dedicated to successfully representing our Buyers and Sellers beyond their expectations, and is committed to serving each and every one of our valued clients to our fullest potential. Every one of our Team Members is dedicated and held accountable to our CORE TEAM VALUES, and these form the foundation for all of our business.
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