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the management and ownership of apartment and commercial buildings in the Chicago area.
Mr. Joseph V. Farago, President, has been in the real estate industry since 1965. He specializes in commercial and investment real estate and has a broad background not only in real estate management but also in ownership and brokerage. Mr. Farago´s vast experience, coupled with the industries highest accreditation as a Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM), brings a well-rounded and complete understanding of total asset management.
Mr. Robert P. Hahn, Vice President and General Manager, has specialized in commercial and investment real estate since 1982 after graduating from Northwestern University with a Master’s Degree in Advertising. Mr. Hahn´s knowledge encompasses not only real estate management but ownership and brokerage experience.
Dimensions Management Corporation operates over 900 apartments and commercial spaces that represent total assets in excess of $125 million. The unique
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