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Howard Hanna Real Estate Services - Pickerington, OH
1450 Tussing Rd Pickerington, OH 43147 (614) 864-7400
Established in 1957 by Howard and Anne Freyvogel Hanna, with a single office in Pittsburgh, the family-owned Howard Hanna Real Estate Services is a top family-owned and -operated broker in the country.* Founded as the Howard Hanna Company, the family business was an integral part of growing up in the Hanna household. Through the years, they've grown to be the top real estate company in the markets they serve. And with that success they also continue to be mindful of their purpose. It is to this simple philosophy, and to the exceptional people with whom they work, that they owe their past, present and future success.
Offices throughout Northeast North Carolina, and Southeast Virginia
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