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We love Cedaredge and you will, too. Real estate in the Cedaredge and Delta County, Cedaredge, Delta, Eckert, Cory, Austin, Hotchkiss, Paonia, as well as Grand Mesa cabins for sale. New homes for sale, previously loved homes, homes in the country, homes in town, homes on the Deer Creek Village golf course and homes for seasonal living - we have them all.
Large ranches for sale, small ranches, vacant land, farm land, is a great buy right now. Come on over and look around, you'll soon love Cedaredge, too.
Cedaredge land, Delta land - maybe a new business...we know where to find them.
Cedaredge is the centrally located to many recreational activities. Enjoy snowskiing at Powderhorn Resort, cross country skiing the Nordic trails, fishing the 300+lakes, snowmobiling on the longest groomed snowmobile trail in the country, mountain biking, hiking, sled dog races on the world's largest flat top mountain or just camping and fishing and enjoying the beauty that is all around us here.
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