Millennium Commercial Real Estate - Colorado Springs, CO
1755 Telstar Dr Suite 300 Colorado Springs, CO 80920 (719) 660-2799
They actively serve nearly 1.7 million square feet of premier real estate. They consistently outperform the competition and have a strong list of notable, satisfied clients. Their market coverage and strong relationships keep them aware of active tenants, market trends, and big moves. Corporate real estate is commonly mismanaged and neglected, despite frequently being one of the top-5 line items on their annual expense budget. The questions of "How hard can it be?" or "Don't I have plenty of time?" are answered with, "It's more complex than you realize," and "Respectfully, no." Statistics are an integral part of underwriting their clients investment; but while they can show trends, stats rarely "tell the story" or give the context, color, or texture that their clients need "behind the numbers" to make their investment decision.
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