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Mission Property Management - Fremont, CA
39180 Liberty St Suite 202 Fremont, CA 94538 (510) 792-9800
Mission Property Management is a full-service property management company. We have been providing property management for home owners in the Tri-City area for over 34 years. We are the largest, residential property management company in the Tri-Cities area. We work mainly with individual
owners and their investment properties.
“Full-Service” means that we are always available and provide all aspects of property management. We can handle banking, monthly and year end statements as well as all the tenant needs and lease negotiations. We are licensed, bonded, insured and experienced. We have a full-time staff to handle your investment property. We also represent buyers and sellers of homes and investment properties.
“Management” entails all aspects of managing your real estate investment. In addition to screening tenants, placing tenants and collecting rent we will inspect your home and prepare it to market for the most optimal rent. We will market and advertise your rental property in
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