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Mortgage broker Alejandro Szita has been doing mortgage and real estate transactions since 2006 and specializes in helping business owners solve complex real estate problems. He is a regular guest at podcasts and events, where he speaks about real estate and entrepreneurship, dispelling myths about mortgages for self-employed borrowers. They know what it takes to get real estate loans funded, and they go the extra mile for their clients: Excellent rates for self-employed professionals, business owners & HNW individuals, Track record of getting loans done for borrowers who were previously denied elsewhere, Sophisticated, custom-tailored loan programs with no tax returns needed (up to $22M), Established relationships with their network of specialized lenders who are happy to have the business, Detailed in-house preflighting with no harm to credit score, Effective help in improving credit score as part of the loan process, so customers can get the lowest interest rate possible.
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