Reinhart Realtors - Ann Arbor West - Ann Arbor, MI
2275 W Stadium Blvd Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (734) 665-0300
Reinhart Realtors' agents are uniquely qualified to acquaint clients with the greater Ann Arbor area, and to assist them with buying and selling property. Their recruiting process is highly selective and, upon joining the company, each Reinhart agent completes a rigorous 100-day in-house training program that is considered a model for the industry. On-going seminars and workshops keep them abreast of the latest industry developments. The average Reinhart agent has numerous years of market experience; most of their agents spend their entire careers at Reinhart.
Their agents are backstopped by the most experienced team of sales managers in the local industry, and by unparalleled in-house closing, relocation, marketing and advertising staffs. All of these resources are brought to bear when clients select a Reinhart agent.
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