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Solutions RE LLC - North Miami Beach, FL
290 NW 165th St Suite M600 North Miami Beach, FL 33169 (305) 230-4750
Solutions RE was founded in 2009 by Richard Wood and Chen Nagid as a commercial brokerage company. They initially focused on distressed commercial assets for their clients. These asset types included note sales, judgement sales, bidder rights sales, deed in lieu transactions and REO’s. As the market recovered, they were also able to focus attention on more typical types of transactions, leasing and property management services. They have contacts with many local lenders and often have early access to many of their troubled assets. Additionally, Solutions RE LLC focus on off-market and non-traditional methods to both seek quality assets for their buyers and to sell assets for their clients. Since 2009, Solutions RE has sold more than $300MM in real estate and financial instruments.
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Solutions RE LLC Brokers
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