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Total Mortgage Services, LLC - Milford, CT
185 Plains Rd Suite 300 E Milford, CT 06461 (203) 876-2200
In 1997, John Walsh started a mortgage company. It was a simple enough decision on its face—after years in the industry, he had the experience, the know-how, and a briefcase full of big ideas.
Over the next decade, his company grew from a tiny 3 person shop to a national lender. And when the housing crisis leveled the mortgage industry in 2007, Total Mortgage was one of the few lenders to survive intact. They owe that to a single choice John had made years earlier, as other lenders were making a killing putting borrowers in homes they would never be able to pay for, signing off on the very deals that would lead to the recession.
They would only offer people the loans they knew they could afford.
No matter how large they grow, they will never forget the way that decision saved them —and their borrowers.
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