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Virginia Economic Development Partnership - Richmond, VA
901 E Cary St Suite 900 Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 545-5600
In 1995, the Virginia General Assembly created the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP) to better serve those seeking a prime business location and increased trade opportunities and, therefore, to foster increased expansion of the Commonwealth's economy. As a state authority, the Partnership is governed by a 17 member Board Of Directors comprised of businesspersons from around Virginia, each of whom is appointed by the Governor and the General Assembly. Our President & Chief Executive Officer is employed by the Board to oversee the fulfillment of our mission:
"To enhance the quality of life and raise the standard of living for all Virginians, in collaboration with Virginia communities, through aggressive business recruitment, expansion assistance, and trade development, thereby expanding the tax base and creating higher-income employment opportunity.
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