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940 Rockledge Blvd
Rockledge, FL 32955

Retail For Sale · Retail Property For Sale · 146,607 SF


Price Not Individually For Sale
Building Size 146,607 SF
Property Type Retail
Property Subtype Retail
Building Class C
Lot Size 13.88 AC
Parking Ratio 2.81/1,000 SF


The overall site size is 13.22 ± acres and includes about nine acres of paved lighted parking and a .23 acre office building lot on Florida Avenue. The Rockledge Boulevard (US 1) frontage is 540 ± feet. The structures include 139,000 sf in retail and office buildings: 908 Rockledge Blvd., a 31,185 ± sf retail strip center (1964 CB/Stucco/ BUTG roof); 940 Rockledge Blvd., a 103,532 ± sf big box retail mall (1965 CB/Stucco / Brick / Thermal Glass / BUTG & Metal roof); and 925 Florida Avenue, 5,260 ± sf of office space in two buildings (Frame / BUTG and Shingle roof / Built 1952 & 1982). Retail occupancy is about 20% and office space is vacant. City of Cocoa Water / Rockledge Sewer. Zoning is RMU Redevelopment Mixed Use District City of Rockledge and allows a density up to 25 units per acre and heights up to 110 feet with certain architectural and site design guidelines. Conceptual site plans / elevations in file for two multi-family projects: One with 369 residential units and 50,000 sf of retail/office and the second with 156 residential units and 23,000 sf of commercial use. Traffic Count 32,800 ADT 908 & 940 Rockledge Blvd. and 925 Florida Ave., Rockledge, Brevard County, FL. The properties are located on the East side of Highway U.S. # 1, North of Dixie Lane, approximately ½ mile South of SR 520/King Street. Situated on a major artery in the well-established Rockledge/Cocoa area and North of the rapidly growing Viera/Suntree area, this retail center enjoys a large customer base. Area of strong medical influence with Wuesthoff Medical Center one mile South. Site is directly across from proposed AMTRAK station and prime for retro- fitting the block structures to transit-oriented development. US #1 is a major commercial corridor that runs the entire East coast of Florida and the United States.
  • Listing ID: 794348

  • Address: 940 Rockledge Blvd, Rockledge, FL 32955