How much does it cost to rent office space in Washington, DC?
The cost for office space for lease in Washington, DC is about $38.82 per square foot on average. Factors such as location, age of building, amenities, lease options, etc. help determine the rent for office space in Washington, DC.
The building class can also impact the asking rent. In Washington, DC, Class A offices see rents at about $45.52/sqft, Class B office rents average about $35.33/sqft, and Class C office rents are generally $28.16/sqft on average.
How much office space is needed per person in Washington, DC?
In general, anywhere from
125 to 400 square feet of office space per person is recommended. In Washington DC, factors such as type of business, workspace layout, privacy and distancing requirements help determine how much office space per person is needed. Learn more about
how to calculate your space requirements.
How do I rent office space in Washington, DC?